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Disclaimer: By signing up you acknowledge that you are giving us a GMB account that isn't penalized, that has a working address, that has an address that is within a city or close to a city you want to target within a 13 mile radius. You acknowledge that we must work on the city the GMB is in first before we can expand to the next city over. You also acknowlege that we are not responsible for catching all duplicate GMBs that may penalize your website, filter it, or make it so you can't rank. You additionally acknowledge that we are not responsible if we can't find a penalty during our audit. We do basic audits and look for easy to find issues. If you need a more in depth audit first please contact us we have a paid audit. You also acknowledge that in the event that if the GMB has issues, the website has coding issues, or someone is performing unethical work while we are working on the account and it holds the account back from ranking, we are not responsible and will not refund this account. The only time we will refund an account is if we don't do the work and that has never happened. Thank you for your understanding and please contact us if you have any questions. Again we offer no refunds when we give you a link to a google drive folder. When you press the button and complete this sale you are purchasing the Google drive folder with contents of our choosing and explained in the package that you purchased. We will not refund you receive that Google drive folder with work we have performed for your website. Thank you.